US Airstrikes Pro-Assad Regime Forces

Today, May 18th, 2017, the International Coalition for Operation Inherent Resolve confirmed that US forces conducted an air strike against pro-Assad’s regime in Syria. This airstrike occurred in al-Tanf Syria, a location where US Special Forces are located to help vet and train members of the Arab Free Syrian Army (FSA). The FSA is made up of rebels fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

US special forces along with British special forces have been in al-Tanf for quite some time, helping the FSA expel ISIS from this area. Al-Tanf is located in southeastern Syria and borders Iraq. This area is a vital border crossing between Iraq and Syria, because it is along virtually the only route linking the two country’s capitals of Baghdad and Damascus.

This attack struck members of pro-regime forces who had entered a de-confliction zone close to the base where US special forces were located. It was reported that warning shots were fired, Russia was notified, and that Russia even tried to persuaded the pro-regime forces not to advance toward al-Tanf base.

Once the warnings were not heeded and the forces entered the de-confliction zone, US conducted air strikes against the forces. The air strikes destroyed 4 tanks, troop transports, pick up trucks, and one Shilka. After the air strike, FSA troops followed up by attacking from the ground, showing collaboration between the US and the Syrian rebels.

These pro-regime forces consisted of Syrian army, Lebanese Hezbollah forces, and an Iranian backed group named Kataib Imam Ali. This Kataib Imam Ali group is interesting because they are part of coalition forces that the US is backing to help rid ISIS in Iraqi cities such as Mosul. So groups are being utilized in some countries, but seen as aggressors in others.

The reason groups such as these are seen as aggressors in Syria is due to the US’s plans in Syria vs. the Iranian’s plans in Syria. As stated previously, the US is using this area to train FSA troops. This is also in an effort to train tribal militia’s in the area with the capabilities to take over once ISIS is expelled from the surrounding towns and areas. Also with this being such a critical border point to Iraq. Iran has also been focused on this area as a vital point to link Iranian backed Shia troops from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon. They are not pleased with the US building forces along this border. They also want to cut off any Sunni Arab FSA expansion into the area as the US is training them to take over.

This strike today is very important. It is the first time that the US has backed the Syrian rebels with air support in their ongoing civil war against the Assad regime. So you can see that the US has taken on a policy shift and picked a side in this struggle, with force and action. Therefore this event today should be paid attention to and monitored. This strike is a great example that just because ISIS won’t hold ground in Syria for much longer, the US is slowly creeping towards being involved in a war in Syria that will last much longer than expelling ISIS. Other prominent issues will remain once they are gone. It will be interesting to see what type of Assad, Iranian, or Russian action comes out as a result of today’s air strikes.




Browne, Ryan, “US-led coalition airstrikes targeted Syrian regime”,, 5-18-17
Cafarella, Jennifer, Institute for the Study of War, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Hassan, Hassan, Tahrir Institute, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Lister, Charles, Middle East Institute, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Al-Mudiq, Qataat, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Operation Inherent Resolve, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Schneider, Tobias, Independent Middle East Researcher, via Twitter, 5-18-17
Woody, Christopher, “ISIS fighters got inside the wire during hellish firefight with US Special Ops in Syria”,, 4-11-17

The Kurds: A Syrian, Turkey Sandwich

The country of Syria is currently host to a number of conflicts and problems. As described in the last blog post, we have a major conflict taking place between the Assad Regime, Russia, and Syria’s own people. We also still have the Islamic State holding significant portions of territory. This includes the capital of their caliphate, Raqqa, which their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared in 2014. Along with those 4 listed groups, we also have all competing for power. In this post we will look into some of the overarching issues involving the US backed Kurds and their relationship with some of these other groups. I think it is vital to start understanding the most complicated and complex region in the entire world, especially since the United States is heavily involved there.

It is first important to understand a little bit of background surrounding the people and groups we will be discussing. So who are the Kurds? The Kurds are a large ethnic group, the majority of which are Sunni Muslims, that inhabit the mountainous regions of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran in the Middle East. They consider this area Kurdistan, and they have many autonomous regions where they govern themselves throughout these four countries. It is estimated that 25 to 35 million Kurds live in this region. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in the world that do not have their own nation. While the Middle East region was being divided up after World War I, the Kurds were promised their own homeland. That plan was quickly scrapped and the country of Turkey was created with no provision for a Kurdish state. Now for 100 years the Kurds have been trying to reclaim land and create their own country.

It should be reiterated that ISIS (ISIL, Daesh) still controls significant portions of territory in northern Syria. This area of northern Syria either borders Kurdish controlled areas, or ISIS has taken over areas from the Kurdish people. You can see this displayed in the map below. ISIS has also killed thousands of Kurds, and displaced many thousands more from this area. Therefore you can see that the Kurdish people have a vested reason to fight against ISIS.

Due to the Kurds strong hatred of ISIS, their location virtually within the hotbed of ISIS’s strongholds’, and their decades of military expertise and experience, the US has decided to back them as the central fighting force against the Islamic State. The US is currently financially and militarily backing a group called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the fight against ISIS. The SDF group is an umbrella group consisting mostly of Kurds and Syrian Sunni Arab Muslim fighting groups. The Kurds are part of a group called the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG)., which falls under the SDF umbrella. Because the YPG are experienced fighters, the leadership of the SDF consists mainly of Kurds from the YPG.

If you have been able to follow that alphabet soup of terms and groups, now is where things get interesting. As described earlier, the original space for the Kurdish homeland is now mainly in Turkey, and the southern part of Turkey consists of mostly of Kurds. For decades Kurdish groups have been carrying out terrorist attacks in Turkey mainly against Turkish government and security forces. This is in an effort to resist Turkish rule and reclaim land that they feel should be Kurdistan. The main group carrying out these attacks is one known as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Both Turkey and the United States consider the PKK to be a terrorist group.

Now remember the YPG is the main fighting force of the US backed SDF that is fighting ISIS in Syria. Turkey consider the Kurdish YPG group to be nothing more than the Syrian version of the PKK which both they and the US consider to be a terrorist organization. Honestly, the lines get pretty blurred between the PKK and YPG, as many of the YPG’s top military leaders were trained and received experience as part of the PKK. Turkey and the US are both members of NATO, and they frown upon the US backing an organization, located and fighting right on their southern border, that they consider to be a terrorist organization.

Turkey feels that allowing the YPG to be strengthened will lead to Kurdish expansion as they reclaim areas from ISIS, such as ISIS’s capital of Raqqa which the SDF is battling to retake as we speak. The worry is that the Kurds will not give back these areas once they expel ISIS, and that the autonomous Kurdish regions along their border will grow and expand. This could potentially lead to a large area where the PKK can recruit terrorists or launch terrorist attacks against Turkey.

Turkey has taken this conflict as far as a couple of weeks ago, on April 25th, they bombed PKK/YPG locations in northern Syria. They also bombed Kurdish areas in Iraq against Peshmerga troops (the Peshmerga is the Kurdish fighting force in Iraq. I know, another name adding to the complexity). The US is backing the Peshmerga in Iraq to help liberate Mosul and other areas from ISIS’s clutch. Turkey again attacked these areas on the 26th. They state that they killed over 70 PKK militants, and the YPG state over 20 of their fighters were killed. Turkey did not coordinate the bombing with the US as they are required to do, and gave the US less than one hour notice that the attack would take place.

The notice of the bombing is important because most do not realize that the US has special forces located within these areas assisting the YPG/SDF. It is estimated there are 500 SPECOPS troops in Syria assisting them, and believed that 250 more from Iraq were moved into the area along the Turkish border. Special operations troops are used so the US doesn’t have to state we have “boots on the ground” in Syria. A US military official even visited the bombed YPG sites to survey the aftermath. So as you can see, some tension is building between the US, Turkey, and the Kurds in Syria.

This tension is making the fight against ISIS even more difficult. The US would like to arm the Kurdish YPG in Syria. As stated previously, they are the most experienced and most capable fighting force. Although, Turkey will not allow that to take place. Currently we are only arming the Arab forces within the SDF umbrella group. The US is also arming the Kurdish Peshmerga in Iraq with small arms. The US State Department also just recently approved a $295.6 million arms deal for those Peshmerga forces giving them machine guns and several Humvees. Somehow the Kurdish YPG forces are getting US weapons and gear anyways, as the picture below displays. The Iraqi Kurds are either giving them the weapons, they are being funneled to other countries and then to the YPG, the other Arab forces are giving them the weapons, or they are getting the weapons and gear from the CIA who is not prohibited like the Pentagon.

Coordinating the various groups within Syria, especially northern Syria, is a vast complex dynamic with many moving and conflicting pieces. Many originations labeled by various names, and various countries have a presence in this hotbed. In future articles we will dive into some of the specific relationships in the region that make this Kurdish issue so complex, and as a result what needs to take place moving forward. This situation should be monitored because almost 900 US troops are now in the area, and these groups are crucial to defeating ISIS and expelling them from the region.

BBC News, “Who are the Kurds?”,, 3-14-16
Borger, Julian and Hawramy, Fazel, “U.S. Providing light arms to Kurdish-led coalition in Syria, officials confirm”,, 9-29-16
Chalor, Martin, “Ever closer ties between U.S. And Kurds stoke Turkish border tensions”,, 5-1-17
Crisis Group, “The PKK’s fateful choice in northern Syria”,, 5-4-17
Gordon, Michael R., “Turkish strikes target Kurdish allies of U.S. In Iraq and Syria”, NY Times, 4-25-17
Hurriget Daily News, “Turkey strikes PKK in Syria, Iraq for second day, responds to U.S. Criticisms”,, 4-26-17
O’Connor, Tim, “U.S. Military set to move $300 million deal to arm Kurds fighting ISIS in Iraq”, Newsweek
Soufan Group, “The U.S. Role as combat buffer in Syria”,, 5-3-17
The Baghdad Post, “U.S. Approves $295.6 million arms deal for Peshmerga: Pentagon”,, 4-20-17
TheCrisisGroup, “Fighting ISIS: The Road to and beyond Raqqa”,, 4-27-17
Photo credits: Institute For The Study of War and Afarin Mamosta – Military development in Kurdistan

Why Does Russia Support Syria?

Two weeks ago much of the world’s attention was focused squarely on Syria and it’s president, Bashar al-Assad. Pictures went viral demonstrating the aftermath of a brutal chemical weapons attack that Syria conducted on its own citizens. This was the first time that many became aware that not only does ISIS (ISIL, Daesh) have a strong presence in Syria, but that they are also in the midst of a six year long civil war. The U.S. military then responded by launching a limited attack against the Syrian air force base where the attack was launched. This attack helped to highlight that Russia also has a presence in Syria, supporting the Assad regime. Which brings us to the question, why is Russia supporting a leader that is so brutal?

There are several reasons why Russia supports Syria, many of which we will discuss. Some of the first alliances between Russia and Syria began in the 1970’s with Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad. Hafez entered into a strategic military alliance with the then Soviet Union, and had his own military officers trained and educated in Russia. As part of this new strategic alliance, the Soviet Union was able to set up oil and gas companies within Syria, some of which still exist today.

At this time the Soviet Union was in the midst of the Cold War, and they wanted to have a sphere of influence over as many Middle Eastern countries (and countries altogether) as they could. The U.S. had an incredibly strong ally and presence in the Middle East in Israel. The USSR saw forming an alliance with Israel’s next door neighbor as a good way to counter the U.S.’s presence in Israel. Russia also had very good partnerships with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya. Once those two regimes were toppled, Syria was the only country within the Middle East with which Russia had a strong relationship. In 2015 they decided to intervene in Syria’s bloody civil war, to ensure Bashar al-Assad stayed in power and to protect their interests.

As part of this decades old relationship, Russia has set up military bases within Syria. The most important is their naval base at Tartus. It is their only base that is located on the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore it is vital that they maintain access to the Mediterranean Sea through this base. They also have a powerful air force base called Khmeimim Base (Syria has moved almost all of their aircraft near this base after the U.S. attack on one of their air force bases). So Russia supports the regime so that they can still have their military bases within the Middle East.

Along with military bases, Russia sells Syria their weaponry and tests their own weapons. As described earlier with Russia’s support of Hussein and Gaddafi, they sold Iraq and Libya billions of dollars worth of weapons. They have also sold Syria billions of dollars of weapons. Along with selling weapons, the Syrian Civil War has allowed Russia to test out over 160 new weapons. They see this war as being a type of showroom to demonstrate weapons, some of which are completely unnecessary in this conflict. As a result, Russia has had record arms sales of around $60 billion a year, and is now second behind the United States in arms sales worldwide. The Syrian Civil War has most certainly made Russia billions of dollars in new revenue streams.

The new revenue is good for Russia, as they are in a lot of economic trouble currently. Their economy is shrinking faster than almost every country in the entire world. Often as strange as it seems, war is a good distraction and a way to make money. Russia also goes a long way in censoring the media at home, and framing the war in such a way that they are helping Syria. This is a good morale boost for folks back in their country. They communicate to their citizens that they are fighting ISIS and terrorists, even though they are using the label the Syrian regime uses as their own rebellious people being terrorists.

Finally, Russia does actually want to fight ISIS and Islamic extremists. Chechnya is a republic of Russia that is predominantly Muslim. They have also been fighting for independence from Russia for a number of years. In fact, many of ISIS’s top commanders are Chechen or have Chechen backgrounds. If you will remember the United States has even been attacked by Chechen extremists as the Boston Marathon bombers were both from Chechnya. An ISIS victory in Syria would not be ideal for Russia. ISIS could shift it’s focus and resources to helping those currently fighting in that republic. Russia has experienced a number of terrorists attacks in recent years, including the downing of one of their passenger jets. They are committed to fighting the spread of global terrorism to protect their interests at home.

Russian support for Syria is nothing new, as the two countries have formed alliances for years. Although the support has been revved up in recent years as conflicts in Syria have spread throughout the country. Russia will continue to have a presence in Syria for the coming years to protect their strategic, military, energy, and financial interests that they have in the region.


Chance, Matthew, “What does Russia want in Syria”,
Dobrokhutov, Roman, “The Chemical Brothers: Putin and Assad”, Al-Jazeera
Rahman-Jones, Imran, “Why does Russia support Syria and Assad”,
Mirovalev, Mansar, “Syria’s War: A Showroom for Russian arms sales”, Al-Jazeera
Bender, Jeremy, “The world in terms of Russian and U.S. arms exports”,
Sinjab, Lina, “Syria Conflict: The close ties behind Russia’s intervention”,
Browne, Ryan, “Syria moves planes to Russian base for protection”,

Image via: Breitbart

Three Hots, a Cot, and Radicalization

One of the key factors that has united leaders of various terrorist organizations is radicization that began in Middle Eastern prisons during the 1950’s until present day.  Many of these prisons have even been considered indoctrination centers. Founders of the violent Islamic jihadism way of thinking, al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and ISIS have all had stints in prisons were they were influenced in these violent ideals.

Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the September 11th attacks, was heavily influenced by one of the most notorious Islamic extremists, Sayyid Qutb. Qutb was an Islamic scholar who joined Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950’s. At this point in time Qutb was a more moderate thinker, but was eventually jailed simply for being a member of the Brotherhood. While imprisoned Qutb was beaten and tortured for years by Egyptian prison guards. The brutal treatment he and those like him received in these Egyptian prisons heavily changed his moderate views about Islamic societies to a more radicalized view. He no longer believed these Middle Eastern governments and their leaders were following the true path of Islam. And if you were a Muslim who followed these governments, then you were not truly a Muslim. Qutb was executed in 1966, but the writings he developed within those prisons would go on to influence radical thinkers for decades to come.

These writings were so influential, Qutb is often called the grandfather of Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was the founder and leader of al-Qaeda, although his second in command may have been even more influenced by Qutb than Bin Laden himself.

At that point in time Osama Bin Laden’s second in command, and now current leader of al-Qaeda, was a man by the name of Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Zawahiri was born to a very prominent family in Egypt, and would later become a physician just like many in his family. By age 15 in 1966, the year Qutb was executed, al-Zawahiri had joined the group that Qutb was a member of, the Muslim Brotherhood. Upon Qutb’s death, and man that al-Zawahiri greatly looked up to, he started to get the inspiration to start his own jihadi organization, Al-Jihad. In 1981 al-Zawahiri was arrested following the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. Members of Zawahiri’s Al-Jihad group were responsible for Sadat’s assassination. Zawahiri was tortured, beaten, shocked, and attacked by dogs while in prison. Just as his inspiration Sayyid Qutb was beaten and tortured in an Egyptian prison to further his radicalization, so to was al-Zawahiri.

Al-Zawahiri was then released in 1986 and he moved to Pakistan to serve as a doctor for the mujahideen warriors fighting the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan. While in Pakistan he met a young, wealthy, jihadi war hero. This young man’s name was Osama Bin Laden. Al-Zawahiri convinced Bin Laden that all of the Middle East needed regime change and not just Afghanistan. The two would then go on to create Al-Qaeda. And al-Zawahiri would be the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks.

Not only were they the masterminds behind that attack, but also helped to fund and influence another young man who was radicalized in prison just as al-Zawahiri himself once was. This young man was named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Al-Zarqawi would go on to lay the groundwork for one of the Middle East and the United States’ biggest problems, ISIS.

For a little background, al-Zarqawi grew up a common street thug and petty criminal in Jordan. He was not overly religious and often did things that went against Islam, like having arms covered in tattoos. He went to fight the soviets in 1989 at the end of the war. This was the same location where bin Laden and al-Zawahiri were also fighting. After the war he returned to Jordan and in 1994 started a small group with other former Jordanian fighters in Afghanistan along with a preacher he met there, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi. Shortly thereafter he and his group were arrested for plotting to bomb an Israeli outpost. They were eventually sent to the notorious Jordanian Al-Jafr prison.

Al-Jafr was a prison that held some of the countries most violent criminals and was known for its harsh treatment and torture. Due to that fact, the prison was closed in 1979. In the late 90’s Jordan was having trouble with a bunch of anti-government inmates causing trouble in other prisons. They decided to open up one wing of Al-Jafr in 1998, and isolate all of these men together. This was once again a problem that led to radicalization. These prisoners were so influential that they converted other convicts, and were often able to sway prison guards and doctors.

Arguably the most influential was the al-Maqdisi, al-Zarqawi’s mentor. Maqdisi was a mild mannered preacher, who was also an influential author. He had written books inspired by Qutb, another gentleman radicalized in prison that was referenced earlier. Maqdisi was able to convert Zarqawi to this Qutb like way of thinking, and Zarqawi served as his muscle and body guard while in prison. This conversion led to Zarqawi studying more and memorizing the Quran. Even to the point he took a razor blade while in prison and shaved off layer by layer the skin where he had tattoos.

In 1999 King Hussein of Jordan passed away. At that time current King of Jordan, his son, Abdullah II bin al-Hussein came to power. One of King Abdullah’s first orders of business was to make peace with the Islamists. He met with the Muslim Brotherhood, and agreed to free some of their prisoners. Also in long standing tradition in Jordan when a new leader comes to power, he granted amnesty to non-violent prisoners. This gives the government a clean slate to start making good relationships with various organizations. This list of prisoners to be released grew exponentially to 2,500 names. Including, you guessed it, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. (along with Maqdisi). The government of Jordan instantly learned the mistake that some violent former Afghan fighters had been added to the list, but at that point the mistake was to late to correct.

Upon release Zarqawi traveled back to Afghanistan with a bigger goal in mind: to meet with Osama Bin Laden to start his own jihadi training camp. Bin Laden snubbed Zarqawi for weeks, until finally sending one of his officials to meet with him. Al-Qaeda did not want to him to start a camp in Afghanistan, as they already had a strong presence there, in North Africa, and in the Persian Gulf. Although, they did not have a presence in the Levant (the Jordan, Syria, Iraq area). They agreed to give Zarqawi some funds to start a training camp if he would set if up in his native area.

Zarqawi returned to Jordan and started a small organization called Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad. Eventually looking for a better location to house his organization, he moved it to the remote mountainous area of northeastern Iraq in the early 2000’s. In 2004, Zarqawi’s group pledged alligence to Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. They changed the name of the group to Al-Qaeda in Iraq. This group would eventually go on to become what we now know as ISIS in 2013.

One of the most notorious prisons in the Middle East was that of Camp Bucca. Camp Bucca was a U.S ran prison in Iraq along the border with Kuwait that held some of the areas most violent extremists. This prison opened shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq and remained opened for a number of years.

The current extremist organization problem that we are facing in the Middle East is combating ISIS (ISIL, Daesh). At Camp Bucca, 9 of ISIS’s senior leaders spent time behind bars there. This includes the current leader of ISIS, their chief spokesman, the deputy leader, the senior military leader, and the leader of all foreign fighters. While some of these individuals may have been radicalized before they were sent to Camp Bucca, they certainly met, strategized, and furthered their networks and recruitment while there. All of these individuals where housed together, grouped together based upon religious sect. Only those already known as being violent or a terrorist were separated from the group. Many have since described this prison as a “Terrorist University”. At one point Camp Bucca held 24,000 inmates. 24,000.

After incidents of reported torture, mistreatment of prisoners, and photos of naked prisoners at U.S run Abu Ghraib prison, the U.S. holding of Iraqi prisoners was looked upon unfavorably. This included Camp Bucca. With this unfavorable public opinion and the withdraw of most U.S. Troops from Iraq, Camp Bucca among others was being shut down. Prisoners were being released monthly. One prisoner released was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He is now the current leader of ISIS.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the caliph of ISIS’s self proclaimed worldwide caliphate, and took the name “Abu Bakr” after the very first caliph in the year 632. Al-Baghdadi is an Iraqi who holds a masters degree and doctorate in Islamic studies from Islamic University in Baghdad. He was known growing up for being very religious, shy, and reserved. Also, he spent four years(debated how long, still classified by U.S..) in Camp Bucca. In 2004 al-Baghdadi was captured and arrested in raid where he was visiting a friend who was on an American wanted list. His time in Camp Bucca helped to radicalized him where he was daily in contact with former military leaders of Saddam Hussein who were ousted from power, and hard line radical terrorists who where placed in prison after the American invasion in 2003. He rose in influence in prison with his great knowledge of Islam to the point where he led prayers, preached sermons, and taught classes while in prison.

When al-Baghdadi was released a number of years later, he especially knew how important prisoners where to his Islamic State organization he would help create. As described previously, his time in Camp Bucca would introduce him to many of his deputy’s and military leaders. Because ISIS knew how vitally important these “Jihadi University” prisons where, they launched a campaign in 2012 entitled the “Breaking the Walls” Campaign.

Al-Baghdadi saw this new campaign as a great way to recruit new followers. Therefore the Islamic State launched highly coordinated attacks against several prisons in Iraq. These prisons were handed over to Iraqi control in 2010 from the Americans. Also keep in mind while lots of prisoners like al-Baghdadi where released, the most extreme death row inmates where handed over to the Iraqis. These prisons were often poorly run, inadequately secured, and staffed by those easily bribed. The Iraqi’s ran the prisons in much of the same way where hard line extremists daily co-mingled with other prisoners. In 2012 ISIS launched coordinated simultaneous attacks using suicide bombers, rockets, and two car bombs. In total they killed over 120 guards. These attacks led to over 1,200 prisoners freed from the previously described Abu Ghraib (including the top military commander of ISIS) near Mosul, and 300 prisoners from a prison near Tikrit. Many of the individuals that were broken out are now the most hardened killers and master bomb makers that ISIS has. Not only was the Islamic State able to build a fighting force, this campaign also completely disrupted the justice system in Iraq, which in turn helped to further destabilize the whole representative democracy of Iraq. Without a stable justice system and a fear of consequences for crimes and the enforcement of law and order, a democracy can not survive. We are still seeing that problem occurring in 2017 Iraq.

In conclusion, you can see how the Middle Eastern prison system has played a part in terrorism as a whole. From influencing some of the early radical thinkers who messages are still used, to helping to radicalize some of the leaders of the most violent terrorist organizations in the world. The history of prisons and terrorists is a story that has been interwoven over the last several decades. We will continue to see this be a problem until some of these countries become more stable and can start to provide a sense of justice, law, and order.

Bergen, Peter, “The Longest War”, 2011
Danahar, Paul, “The New Middle East, 2015
Hersh, Seymour, “Torture at Abu Ghraib”, The New Yorker
McBride, Michael, “The Terror Within”, opedspace
McCants, William, “The Believer”, Brookings
McCoy, Terrance, “How the Islamic State evolved in an American Prison”, The Washington Post
Peritz, Aki, “The Great Iraqi Jail Break”, Foreign Policy
Al-Salhy, Suadad, “Al-Qaeda says it freed 50 inmates in Jailbreak”, Reuters
Till, Brian, “A Note on Egyptian Torture”, The Atlantic
Warrick, Joby, “Black Flags”, 2015